Android App: Preparing to Access Google Drive [Part 1]

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  1. Android App: Preparing to Access Google Drive
  2. Android App: Setting up Google APIs Client Library for Java
  3. Android App: Connecting to Google Drive with Google APIs Client Library for Java

First thing is to read through the Google Drive Android API Getting Started. The following will add some clarity to setting up Google Developers Console using OAuth.

Enable Drive API

Select Create New Client ID under OAuth

Under Application type select Installed application. Under Installed application type enter a Package name and a Signing certificate fingerprint (SHA1).
To get the certificate SHA1 for the debug keystore:

The debug keystore is typically located at ~/.android/debug.keystore , with the password android. See the Google Drive Android API Getting Started for further details.

Read part 2 here. It will show you how to connect to Google Drive using Google APIs Client Library for Java and Gradle on the Android platform.